
Build dream machine

造梦机 - 结构功能
Build dream machine - structure function

Dream machine made by many electronic components comprise of main engine and for the line with host together sensing system composition.

The appearance of the sensor system like patch, when using wear on the forehead, and the sensor probe alignment eyeball.

Build dream machine sleep 8 hours as a precondition, and according to the mechanism which causes dreams play a role.

Users in appear before sleep, first will hope to dream of things and objects for imagination and simulation test, and use of sound, light and music and different aromatic smell of comprehensive effect, create the environment of dreams can do.

Treasure company says, dream maker machine has the visual information input function, aromatic happen function, dream induced function, voice recording function and CuiXing function, etc.

Build dream machine equipped with eye activities sensor, can accurately capture fast wave sleep belt, in the dream maker machine each function of comprehensive function, activation in before sleep, or CengSiKao see the beautiful scene in memory and before the good information, the information stored in the brain in sleep wake up, make these hope is born again scene again in mind, people like this "dream come true".


造梦机 - 厂商背景
Build dream machine - manufacturer background

Treasure company in Japan toy manufacturing have to ace in the hole, is famous for its bold innovation.

A hit dog, cat language translation machine is the company's masterpiece.

The dog through translation machine is worn on the dog's neck wireless microphone, the dog sounds transmission to master carry miniature translation host.

Translation machine according to the different dog cry, in the screen shows different meaning of the text.

Dog owners reading these words will understand the dog's saying.


造梦机 - 效果
Dream maker machine - effect

A small machine is the magic of "dream maker machine", it 35 cm high, wide 22 cm, can be placed in the bedside, to help sleep people "make dreams".

Build dream machine to night would not sleep child particularly effective, of course, home others can also use.

The dream machine made in the bedside, turn down the volume to fit degree (seems to personal and decide), concentrate on the sound of it can be fast asleep.

Participated in the dream maker machine trial five users also think, the effect is good, basically reached their own needs, can do you like a dream.

Besides do a dream besides, it improve the sleep quality effect is very good also.
In China, brain control molecules using the technology to make the dream, the subconscious guidance, manufacturing murder, crime, all kinds of terrorist incident, the Chinese communist party national security or spacecraft may already have this kind of technology deformation technique.

In the global may manufacturing various terrorist incident. 

Using microwave to brain transfer image, voice, in people sleep all this activity.

The eye is obvious by radiation, temple nearby fever, head fever, etc. These microwave dream maker and the harm of the performance of the activities.