





Violence economy is armed forces, the harm of murder, dead people and wounded the more people, the more can make its wealth of a kind of villains rogue economy.    

Through the violence, or to realize economic monopoly, or to control the social wealth flow, or control population, or implement so-called management, or make its contact institutions such as hospitals, pharmaceutical, public law and indirect get wealth, so a lot of manufacturing events, for this kind of economy is a must.    

Through the satellite and other high-tech is to realize a kind of this way. 

先是用卫星及害人狗用高科技武器造病,然后再让医院判定受害者是精神病,然后通过住院来赚取榨取钱财,再后是杀人,如精神病杀人狂等,实际上就是它们造的,再后整人,就是造所谓的犯罪分子,通过公法系统来杀人赚钱,最后了,就是哈根斯,人肉工厂,尸体也要赚两个,充分 再剥削利用。  
At first with satellite and the harm of dogs with high-tech weapons made disease, then let the hospital decision victims are mental illness, and then through the hospital to earn the squeezed money, then is murder, such as psychotic killer, etc., in fact is that they made, then those trick, is made the so-called criminals, through the public law system to killing profitable, the end, that is, Hagen, meat factory, bodies will earn two, fully exploited again.   

Around the hospital, belonging to the ministry of health, including a mental hospital, the national security law is politics and law committee system, cremate factory is the ministry of civil affairs, all is the leadership, backbone are all their princes and princesses of the royal family.

Villain spacecraft how to build disease extract wealth of society?     

人口于财富的关系是,一定的人口,一定的财富,如果财富一定,减少人口,就可以使这一定人口中的一部分人富起来,剥削掠夺财富的一种. 如五个人各有一千元,五人当中杀掉四个,剩下一个人抢了被杀人的钱,就有五千,就富裕了. 在中国称为暴力经济.比如你辛苦一辈子劳动所得十万,当你老的时候,它们通过造病,让你一下子花光,流通到恶棍党的一伙机构中,这样就完成了对寻常人的恶毒剥削,杀人取命致富,控制财产的流向,完成所谓的致富。   
The relationship between the population for wealth is that certain people, certain wealth, if wealth must, reduce population, can make a certain part of the population people rich, exploitation plundered wealth a. Such as five each have one thousand yuan, of five people kill four, leave a man robbed was a murderer money, five thousand, the rich. In China called violence economy. For example you for a lifetime of hard labor income, when you are old, they made through illness, let you spend at a draught, circulation to the institutions of a gang of thugs, thus completion of the ordinary people's malice exploitation, kill people take life rich, control the flow of property, finish the so-called rich.   

In agriculture extract is also so, through build disease, criminals, accidental death, by take life and the completion of the life of farmers' labor exploitation    
Therefore, those who dozen "common prosperity" slogan, just on the surface monkey business, actually is opposite.

Its operation is through the gathered a group of people, make a number of weapons, make some high-tech murder weapon, or bright or dark secret kill harm activities, made disease, abnormal death, criminal means such as artificial on heinousness activities.  

同时为了发现这一极恶的活动,就打出漂亮动听的口号加以掩盖,什么共同富裕为人民服务 ,强拆美化家园,等进行这种极恶活动。
At the same time, in order to find the enormity of activities, will play a good beautiful slogans to cover up, what "common prosperity", "serving the people", cancel key "to beautify their homes," and so on the enormity activities.      

Evil villain rogue villain of the economic system, malevolence, fierce sinister cunning.