





According to the history of eating example statistics, eat the beauty of the way there are many kinds of.    

Have a plenty of the beauty in a large cylinder, with fire outside stew roast until beauty baked;   

Have a plenty of the beauty in a iron frame, the roasted with fire, like shashlik like;     

The beauty of the hands and feet tied up and poured in boiling water in the body, then use bamboo broom brush off the beauty of the suffering of the outer body skin, then cut off muscle and Fried and food; 

Have a plenty of the live beautiful dress in the big bag, into the pot boiled;    

The beauty of cut into pieces, salt, with eat with take;      

Have a plenty of only capture the beauty of the two legs, or only cut off the beauty of the two breasts, and the rest of the part away.      

History of people eat the meat flavor ceding the etc. 

Getting the northern song dynasty (AD 1126) first, JinBing south invasion war, four, officers and all the people without food, and all the dead with salt up, sun into meat, biscuits, for food.     

An organization FanWen rep insurgent resistance to gold, after the defeat by boat sail over to linan, the team in the city after eat carry flesh dry.     

They put the dry meat is called "two feet sheep", the old and thin man called "give the fire" (mean that this kind of person meat old, need more fire), the young woman called "don't envy sheep" (mean that this kind of person taste good, more than mutton), the child is called "and bone rotten" (mean that children tender meat, cooking time the flesh and bone together thoroughly cooked).     

In yuan dynasty, the end of the world turmoil, stationed requirement right GuanJun lack of food, and also capture human food.      

They think that children of meat for quality, women's meat is the second smallest, and man and take second place.  

They put on the flesh of man is called "want to meat", meaning that after eating delicious infinite, but also make people miss. 

Turn over China's thousands of years of history, in the middle of the book, we are to find a lot of food in the beauty of the record!      

We according to eat beauty for different reasons, classification records are as follows: 

Sui end of zhu charm, is a famous eat people the devil.    

At that time, the opinion xiangyang area great famine, rice all money can't buy, also a well-known people phase food common practice. 

Zhu charmed by disorderly goes to war, often catch folk children cooking meat.    

His sergeant said: "the most beautiful in the world food, still can have more than one meat, as long as someone in the kingdom, and I will not have to worry about no grain."    

So ordered, let the underling separation capture women and children, cooking assigned to soldiers when rice.   

Each attack the next town, and charm is the life of the weak women and children among departments, when need slew of eating.      

The five dynasties ZhaoSi Wan and zhu charmed are birds of a feather flock together.  

He led the troops occupied changan, the city did not eat, slew of women and children, according to a certain period for the number of ministries, when to Kao army, they kill hundreds of people. 

ZhaoSi Wan love to eat the liver, he put the living beauty tied to the stake, cut off the dividing of stomach, liver, and stir-fry until done square meal, eat liver, it was cut off the beauty of the liver in bellow.     

From ZhaoSi Wan had to fall, a total of sixty-six people eat liver vice.     

History carries an lushan rebellion, zhang Yang, keep the soldiers were food thirty thousand people.  

At that time people believed this is a fact, very surprised, hanyu but only hold different opinions, that is not possible, and write an article for exam debate.

Later generations have some heavy concerning this matter, said the army of the essay, the food is not thirty thousand people, but the body of the dead soldiers.    

But zhang kill love concubine, beauty endure into broth, reward for many days without food in soldiers and strengthened by means of soldier's morale, which not only to preserve the Yang, and even can turn the tables story, but is indeed a well documented history real.

This period of cook food beauty story, even in a certain degree, also be for the loyalty to your country's historic anecdotes     

Qing shunzhi nine years (1652), to commemorate the general schuster mm rate soldiers tapping new, as the qing city cofco, ShouJiang slew of residents for food.  

There is a name's wife and mother-in-law depended on each other, ShouJiang to kill food mother-in-law, beauty Morse kowtow request for her mother-in-law died, ShouJiang said: "it's a good filial piety daughter-in-law!"

To her request, left the mother-in-law, the beauty and cook food.   

Another name is lee's beauty, her husband was ShouJiang grasp to go to, will be killed, lee cried and said: "the husband still has no son, if killed him, could not find his offspring, I even live also have what use? Please take me to eat!" 

ShouJiang also promised, cook fresh lie beauty, her bones to her husband home burial.

New will be besieged town eight months, the defenders eat people of nearly ten thousand people, mostly women and children.      

A family woman children are all eat, he is the only one survived after the BingLuan, the survivors one day on the road met ShouJiang qing, he knelt down to worship him.    

ShouJiang surprised and asked: "you worship me?"   

The man said: "my wife and children are buried in your stomach, they all have no tomb. Now cold food festival was approaching, I don't toward your stomach worship and where to go worship?"

So kind of case is to eat what beauty, it appalling.     

The sixteen, ShiHu duke stone Sui ferity too recklessly, he saw the beauty of the buddhist nun is caught, the day after QiuHuan, rape her, killed her meat and red meat cooking together, and put the meat to give or so people together to taste the taste of human flesh.      

The eastern jin dynasty had SunSi, put county magistrate took him into mince meat paste, and his wife and daughter beauty beauty kill eat meat. 

Who would not have this beauty meat took him dismemberent executed, and even his flesh is a piece of eat?    


End of the sui dynasty, ZhuGeAng and high Zan is a pair of hao extravagant spenders and cruelty.      

They raised each other on rich, all want to gain the upper hand, each other repast phase please, leave no stone unturned boast costly, with more than the other party to meet.     

One day, the high Zan fete ZhuGeAng, put a pair of ten years old twin cooked, head, hands and feet are installed in the dish, the end of the good things come to an end.     

A full house guest see is meat, their mouth to vomit. 

Soon, ZhuGeAng fete high Zan.    

He let a love my toast, that beauty without a smile, ZhuGeAng NuChi beauty a meal, ordered her back down.   

Soon, the beauty is in the big steamer in the whole steamed, and put into meditation posture, cross-legged on a jumbo silver plate, her face recoat good cosmetics, body covered with silk.   

The word "food" lift up, ZhuGeAng personally tore her thigh meat to high Zan eat at the table, the guests all over her face can't see.      

ZhuGeAng look cool, tear at the beauty of the breast fat pitch into, make full stop. 
Applied to feudal state DuGuZhuang like to eat the flesh of man, he was ill don't want to eat, just remember usually eaten flesh tastes good, at this time his men someone died a female servant, so he cut off her subcostal meat cooked to him to eat.    

The eastern han dynasty CaiWangLiu letter is an extreme cruel guy, he is in charge of the old guard, or so if anyone SINS, he caught his wife and children, when his plane zero knife cut them, let the offender to eat the flesh of his wife. 

Be zero cut beauty beheaded, brothers separation, the blood cross flow, LiuXin drinking a toast, and let the band play music, there is no mercy expression.

The early northern song dynasty, there is a name WangJiXun, this is all JieDuShi WangRao's son of the queen, filial piety Ming his father or his mother, because his brother is royalty and court awarded high office.

Later he act illegally, was is not, be disconsolate, produce abnormal psychology, specialized in raw cut maid body for pleasure.      

Open treasure three years (970), he complex officer points company two Pope, temperament is more and more brutal, often forced to buy folk girl slaves, slightly not equal to idea, they kill, and eat the meat.   

The song was zhao sun succession later, someone blew the lid off the his crimes, (977) will he punished lian.    
He confessed to a total of more than people killed food your servant.

Notice for definite, who was beheaded in luoyang.

The southern song dynasty NingZong jiading years, Lin thousands of year for west qinzhou, got a disease (the disease), a medical assistant told him, eat the flesh of the virgin can JianGu strong gluten.

So, for the thousands of sent in the territory of state capture girl, made from meat, biscuits, called "chicken".

Jiading ten years (1218), the matter was local toast report, Lin thousands of free government official, but not punishable only banished to hainan.

Due to the political corruption, such a man-eating faint officer didn't get punished.

Some people believe that smoking people's brains can cure.

Ming dynasty all duration, court sent to fujian's high name levy eunuch this is emasculated, someone told he was born take virgin brains and drug taking together, can make the penis to grow, restore sexual function, and then he grabbed folk girl and children, eat flesh, the court of the prison house tax pool in his bones.
 Whenever night, they have this group, as a man-eating blood, so the dead of night, when thinking about gropingly eat flesh, and drink blood brain control method, laser, shock weapons try to shoot, make radiation, look at all the people good damage to eat, in order to meet its ferocious wild. Has a murderous eat people nature is difficult to control, during the day, night can smile as you want to eat people Greek nature is revealed, move around, a few days do not harm them is uncomfortable, run around looking for harm of tools for the feed, looking for is the so-called victims. In the history of China is to have this kind of person, can see history records, and war description. They development up to now is brain control victimizer, also is only one.