

Satellite and build disease harm group method:

: one of non-hodgkin's lymphoma, radioactive, if Y rays shot under the forehead lymph of the district, causing swelling, often caused by tumor, slowly may clog the esophagus, causing difficulty swallowing food, then people will be hungry gaunt, suffered the pain of all day long, finally choose suicide, in an attempt to free dying.

Second, the anxious for cerebrovascular diseases.

Using X-ray laser, or X, Y rays, impact of the brain, if you want to let you die faster, neck human brain blood vessels, causing vascular congestion, cause cerebral palsy;

If blood vessels are important, cause lack of oxygen, oxygen deficiency and acute shock, a quick death.

Third: jump drop dead, such strange died of drowning.

Using satellite radar, positioning or ground surveillance technology, always pay attention to the people to action, if found people climb up or across the river, etc, if found that can seize the opportunity, will launch invisible laser or a microwave beam, hit the hamstrings and throughout the brain, or temporary faint sleep temporarily out of control behavior, make the person falls or drown, etc.

Then find a reason to be wrongful death to hide them.

Fourth: deeply stomach chest radiation sickness, etc.

Use of radioactive material such as cobalt, radium, cesium and other radiation cause people to death.

Use of property relations, relationships, or other relations, use of floor empty house, and favorable spatial relations, while asleep, secretly radiation, on people's deeply stomach, caused by various deeply stomach bleeding, tumor, cancer, stomach disease, lung colon cancer, etc. Various kinds of strange disease.

Serious soon cause fever, hemorrhage, coma, shock, death.

Five: the high voltage electric shock death.

利用微波探测,激光加特斯拉,或捕猎机等高压放电设备,多是两人以上,一人在对受害者进行微波探测,动态能观察受害者情况 ,另一人在附近对人进行高压电击,当发现受害者醒来,它们会能立即中断,以防被发现。
Using microwave detection, laser and tesla, or hunting machine such as high pressure discharge equipment, more is two people above, a man in microwave detection was carried out on the victims, victims can dynamic observation, another person nearby high-voltage electric shock to people, when they discovered the victim wakes up, they will immediately interrupted, case was found.

Often by the electric shock can cause cerebral palsy and dementia, memory loss, a concussion, hydrocephalus, if hit the key, also can be deadly, parts such as the heart.

Killing all kinds of strange disease.

Its six: infrasound weapons to death.

Launch directional sound cause people to the people's heart, intestines and beating, rupture death, or to attack people's head, causing intense shaking head die.

Its seven: killing, violence and planning.

Using ultrasonic, secure sleep technology, microwave technology, in people's minds to the transmission of images, while they were sleeping sound, launch waves of specific frequency to influence people's brains.

Use these to subconscious influence, control, affect the person's brain thinking controls people's behavior, then stirred up the contradictions, illusions, cause people self-harm or violence.

Manufactured to murder case.

Eight: the attack of male and female reproductive organs, organs, nerves such as using special penetration is extremely strong, invisible laser attack human temporal, hamstrings, elbow liver chest caused people's emotions change, murder, arson, suicide, terrorist activities, etc.

