
Angainst mind control and sound weapon


Brain control will usually be a victimizer on another best first crazy the top physical and psychological torture to double the innocent victim, when the victim is unbearable have various abnormal behavior for their relatives come out see, relatives suspect the victim was "a mental illness and forced to send its medical treatment, victims are also will doubt whether you learn it, work la, feelings, life's pressure on the causes of it" hearing voices illusion ".      


When victims during treatment, brain control will cooperate with the victimizer on another drug treatment for victims of persecution appropriately reduced by behavior, let victims and relatives believe is really "mental disease", and once victims feel good want to stop drugs, can increase the persecution will be a victimizer on another means of destruction, a few times after repeatedly, the victim that victims are relatives "mental disease", and the victim on long-term take feed from the expensive drugs to reduce symptoms of persecution.   


The victim normal life has been completely destroyed, and the normal study, work, social impossible, and these expensive drug costs, for no source of income for the victims, it is undoubtedly snow frost's descent, relatives of the victims of the increase of burden.      


Then, brain control will also tell the victim was a victimizer on another brain control truth, and at this moment the victim to name their were "brain control persecution", and no one will believe a "mental patient" said.  


And I, unfortunately, is that the two types of persecution way to I use to group.    


Today I summon up courage to say these, in hopes of those who still wandering in the NanYou write don't write problem are some encouragement, such as I have been persecuted language all know of the victims have dared to stand up, want to come, or so but is a dead the. 


Death is still afraid of what, don't be to have no dead.      


Besides, such as the weak passively looked at brain control to harm others in the group step by step plot to destroy them utterly, as they stand out and exposure of the ugly faces, even if the next without a second will be forced to kill, at least at this moment the seconds, they also are exposed to the unsuspecting before one, let all the people know that there is such a group of dreadful SangJinTianLiang, humanity brain control group to harm others, have so a group of persecution but not people had known of vulnerable groups, these victims every minute, every time, day and night in all under more dead than alive human life purgatory.      


For those who do not know yet is the truth of the victims of the brain control, I want to say, hope the disclosure of the plot torture can help to you, know to have at least some countermeasures, or how many can give you also strong power.  


For these may at any time without a dead NanYou victims in the case, to know that we are not alone, and the one who know their own experience and others believe, have so much to encourage each other with brain control group for the passion of the struggle to the existence of the alliance, is how timely help how delightful thing!   


Persecution of destruction in torture each day and night, the in the mind how many face the power struggle!!!!! 


We are not "mental", we also not write science fiction, we are in telling us by no human tragedy had suffered persecution, there for most people don't know but real ugly venomous brain control harm the persecution group conspiracy.


The work of the victims of the interpersonal relationship exhortations to a cat dragged, brain control cause colleagues colleagues grudges, strain of each other.      


The victim qualification mediocre it bear the responsibility he (she) be jealous!      


The victim was born into a poor family but small successful he (she) unwilling!      


Victims and normal life and he (she) to join brain control group no happiness when it is he (she) will destroy others! 



Ultrasound in spread direction when strong, has good directionality, through the ultrasonic can transfer strong energy, easy to focus on, ultrasonic is the energy, than general but the hearing.


Frequency for


1 million hz ultrasonic energy, than with the amplitude of the frequency for 1000 hz to listen to the sound of 1 million times more energy.  

工业上超声波用于切割、钻孔、打磨 焊接,医学上用于体内碎 

Industry for cutting, drilling, ultrasonic grinding welding, medicine used to break in the body


Stone, that is a victimizer on another increase power can let a person internal organs burst but dead, not just let us feel the pain so simple.   


Ultrasonic directed-energy beam with strong power can easily penetrate buildings, and then into any of the frequency synthesized acoustic. Device, use wonderful.  


Ultrasonic sound wave frequency synthesis arbitrary 


Simply say use also issued two beams of different frequency of the ultrasonic frequency change in the air after crossing ear can smell of synthetic sound, the sound only a sonic beam alignment of the place can hear, the original is to prepare for civilian use, for 


And now with the sound seems a cough invention, but it is said that the big enough hifi sound reduction distortion, and not into the civil market.  


Agents commonly used it to preach the sound into the secret, the person sitting in the room, but the ear ring unclear source of voice, and 

且只有你能听到,一旦定位不够准确 定向能束打到耳部,听者耳部会感到非常疼痛,这种发声技术,声源能被人耳判断属外来的,这于用电磁波将声音信号直接      

And only you can hear it, once was not accurate enough directed-energy beam position to beat ear, the listener ear will be very pain, this voice technology, sound sources can be the human ear of foreign judgment, the electromagnetic wave will sound signal in use directly   


Write the brain's sensory is different, combining professional followed after surrounded by technology, you go to where the sound with where the people will think that unknown principle from already met the demons. 


Any of the frequency of ultrasonic synthesis device   


And organs natural frequency of similar device will and organs resonance occur, cause deformation, shift, even organs burst. 


According to information on infrasound weapons can be divided to two categories:

神经型次声波 频率和人脑阿尔法节律(812 Hz)很接近,作用于人体时会引起共振,刺激人的大脑,对人的心理和意识产生一定影响:轻者感觉不     

"Nerves" frequency and the human brain alpha rhythm device (8 to 12 Hz) is very close, role in the human body will cause resonance, stimulate the brain, to the person's psychology and consciousness has certain influence: light person feel not    

适,注意力下降, 头昏、恶心 恐惧感、 严重时使人神经错乱,癫狂不止,休克昏厥,丧失思维能力  

Comfortable, attention down, dizziness, nausea fear, serious when make the person neurological disorders, madness not only, shock blackout, the loss of thinking ability     


"Organ" type device.    

当次声波频率和人体内脏器官的固有频 4 18Hz相近时会引起人的五脏六腑产生强烈共振。 

When frequency and human internal organs device of the inherent frequency rate (4-18 Hz) is near, can cause people's intestines produces strong resonance. 

轻者使人 感到恶心,肌肉痉 

Light person make the person feel nausea, muscle spasm


Luan, shivering, breathing difficulties; 


The person that weigh vascular rupture, visceral injury, or even death quickly.     


Ultrasonic synthesis of the lower frequency device, can be used to deliver powerful sound pressure, image of the said it can be like an invisible hand from outdoor into indoor pushed open the door, into the body sealing blood vessels. The stomach bowel and stir      




Electromagnetic directed energy  

电磁波依照波长的长短大致分为无线电波 微波 光线 射线等  对付我们的主要是无线电波和微波。  

In accordance with the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave length can be divided into: radio waves microwave light rays and deal with our main is radio waves and microwave.    


Electromagnetic waves for mind control directed energy   

他们对我们脑电波的遥控都是通过电磁波定向能束照射头部完成的,与发射塔式 植入芯片式控制相比,这样做不留证据 功率集中针对性强  控制效果更好  

They are all through the brain waves of remote control electromagnetic wave directed-energy beam head of complete, and the launch tower implants compared to control, so do not evidence pointed control effect on power better 

不会影响他人 保密性好便于秘密跟踪,用专业电磁波检测设备是可以很容易发现这些异常的大功率电滋波信号的,所以这种控制方式只能用于对付单个平民。  

Will not affect others privacy for secret tracking, with professional electromagnetic wave testing equipment can be easily found these abnormal high power electric waves signal AIDS, so that this kind of control mode can only be used to deal with a single civilians.      


The electromagnetic wave directional can be used to human physiology torture persecution,


Research shows that the long-term low intensity of electromagnetic radiation to the human body can be the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, the blood system, reproductive system and genetic, the visual system and immune function of the body, have various, and the complexity of loss     




When damage accumulation to certain degree, the human body will appear headaches, dizziness, insomnia, excited, be agitated, anorexia, blood pressure disorder, white blood cells reduce wait for a symptom, if long time by the electromagnetic wave radiation, still can cause


Birth deformities and cancer.

而他们对付我们的是大功率 特种电磁波定向能 长期照射对人的危害是不言而喻的。  

And they deal with our special electromagnetic wave is high power directed energy long-term illuminate, the people of harm is self-evident.  


With the current technology level of all the above functions can be integrated into the two small box, a human body is signal synthesis detection, ultrasonic affected special electromagnetic wave directed-energy launch box, and the other one is a special notebook computer box,


Use of ultrasonic   


Illuminate the heart......


Home. Difficulty breathing. Myocardial infarction death     


Illuminate the brain......


Brain elevated blood pressure. Manufacturing cerebral haemorrhage death    


Illuminate eye...... 


View fuzzy. Tears 


Illuminate gums... 

牙齿松动 牙痛      

Loose teeth toothache  


Illuminate neck......      

呼吸 吞咽困难      

Breathing difficulty swallowing     


Illuminate respiratory......    


Respiratory damage infection inflammation 


Illuminate stomach...... 

胃液大量分泌 胃溃疡胃 胃穿孔   

Gastric secretion of gastric ulcer WeiChuanKong stomach 


Microwave, is the way the victimizer on another, a equipment can be directly lead to ear inflammation, cause the forehead lymphatic swelling. 


Because is the microwave, it used to is "microwave sound effects," principle, through to the target launch microwave pulse fast heating the cranial nerve, in the brain can create auditory system 'perception of the shock wave, such continued microwave pulse will turn into a kind of intracranial voice.    


This kind of sound only microwave radiation within the scope of the person "listen" to, while other people without notice, so will cause the target to think oneself produced session, the voice is due by microwave and brain interact to produce, not through the membrane into, so the general sound insulation device can't stop it.   


"Noise eradication, and not only do you stranded      


In the past, in other areas, we have victims die of the weapons of the parents hand, by this time in the brain sound weapon attack, head cavity after fierce concussion death, so please victims should be more attention, it can also lead to a nearby lymph swelling of the esophagus, serious when jams esophageal and form the similar non-hodgkin's lymphoma phenomenon, serious when can cause people to death, means extremely cruel, to attract more attention.  


This kind of weapon equipment deformation, namely the microwave weapons, have the ability to spread, a pulse sound waves, which for a while sound waves, then the human ear will hear, soldiers of the a long noise, then disappear, this is this kind of directed-energy weapons in time, when it against you to the brain, can cause brain cavity serious concussion, shaking more than, serious when can make the person suffocation deaths.     

