

The brain to control group is fascist, they also get the space shuttle is because because, still extremely easy to give the wrong impression, some people even more by the brain control group of people into fascist vilified the persecution.     

But the proof of the first is, who has the ability to kill people, who holds the murder weapon, who have had such a great scale and control ability, every day in the dry this things is who, who killed the most damage, it would be a see.

Every year China abnormal death toll how much?     

笔者暂时找不到这方面的权威数据,但搜索到另一个数据:2010618日中国经济网刊登了一篇题为《遗产纠纷令人叹惋 网络遗嘱留档有必要》的报道说:据统计,中国每年非正常死亡人数超过320万,其中大部分属于意外性突发事件,国内每年的交通事故造成的死亡人数多达10万人,每年因工伤事故死亡达13万人,过劳死人群甚至多达60,这篇报道没有给出数据来源,我们也没法判断中国每年非正常死亡人数超过320是否正确。   
The author temporarily can't find the authoritative data, but the search to another data: June 18, 2010 China published a paper cew has been entitled "inheritance disputes regret a network will keep file is necessary to" reported said: "according to statistics, China each year abnormal death toll is more than 3.2 million, most of them belong to accidental events each year, the domestic traffic accident caused a death toll of as many as 100000 people a year because inductrial injury accident killed up to 130000 people, worked to death even as many as 600000 people," the report did not give the data sources, and we can't judge "each year China unnatural death toll is more than 3.2 million" is correct.    

News reports about the death toll in common sense mistake, is not unique, below as another example:      

November 8, 2007 "yangcheng evening news" reports: recently guangzhou happen "the bus driver driving way sudden death" incident, sudden death prime concern again.      

Sun yat-sen university, director of the brain HuangZiTong points out that heart each year, about 1 million people sudden cardiac death, accounting for 5% of the total number of death, and generally occur in young and middle-aged around the age of 40.   

According to the above data calculated results in the paper are as follows: the country is about 20 million deaths a year.  

And the national bureau of the national economic and social development in 2006 statistics bulletin of the data show that annual birth population 15.84 million people, death, and a population of 8.92 million.  

If every year population really such as death "yangcheng evening news" reports the 20 million, then the Chinese population early in negative growth, because every year birth population just over 1500     

1 次声波武器  2 电磁波武器3 大脑控制武器(精神控制武器,神经控制武器, 心灵控制技术)   
1 2 3 electromagnetic device weapons weapons brain control weapons (mind control weapons, neural control weapons, mind control technology)   
4 shock equipment
Mind control weapons (also called: mind control weapons, or neural control weapons) is divided into many classes.  
5. Microwave (electromagnetic wave) mind control weapons   

This type of mind control technology including reading thinking, the voice, the image, directly into the brain

Roughly: drug mind control weapons, electronic chip implanted or nanotechnology mind control weapons, microwave (electromagnetic wave) the brain
China aerospace science and technology corporation from 1956 on October 8, the defense department was the fifth institute, through the ministry of machinery industry, aerospace industry seventh, aerospace industry, China's space industry corporation's history, with the approval of the state council, on July 1, 1999 formally set up a form.

A, defense institute of 5 period (1956.10-1964.11)    

October 8, 1956, our country the first missile research institutions-defense fifth institute officially established.    

Qian xuesen, LiuYaLou, WangBingZhang successivelyare appointed defense fifth research institute President.    

Second, the seventh the ministry of machinery industry period (1964.11-1982.4)   

On December 26, 1964, the three session of the National People's Congress a meeting was established by the ministry of machinery industry 7 resolutions.  

WangBingZhang, ocean, SongRenQiong, ZhengTianXiang successivelyare appointed minister of the ministry of machinery industry 7.      

Three, aerospace industry period (1982.4-1988.7)    

On March 8, 1982, five times the National People's Congress standing committee meeting on 22 through reform of the state council bodies of resolution, the seventh the ministry of machinery industry renamed aerospace industry.      

ZhangJun, LiXuE successivelyare appointed aerospace industry minister.

Four, aerospace industry period (1988.7-1993.6)      

April 9, 1988, seven sessions of the National People's Congress a meeting through the institutional reform of the state council, decide to revoke aviation industry and aerospace industry, the formation of aerospace industry.     

LinZongTang as minister of aviation and aerospace.  

Five, China aerospace industry corporation period (1993.6 to 1999.7)     

On March 22, 1993, the eighth National People's Congress approved at the first session of the aerospace industry revoked, respectively, China aviation industry corporation was established and China's space industry corporation (NASA).     

In June 1993, China's space industry corporation (NASA) formally established, LiuJi the general manager (NASA chief).    

Six, China aerospace science and technology corporation (1999.7)   

On July 1, 1999, according to the ninth NPC a conference spirit, with the approval of the state council, China aerospace science and technology corporation was officially established.      

The state council WangLiHeng appointed for the China aerospace science and technology corporation, general manager of the company.      

In December 2001, the state council ZhangQingWei appointed for the China aerospace science and technology corporation, general manager of the company.    

In August 2007, the state council appointed for field China aerospace science and technology corporation, general manager of the company.      

