

Mind control exactly is what, is cult in order to deceive, give a person brainwashed let people to obey, without thinking of the unconditional to obey a method.  

Get rid of mind control method is don't trust any of their words, keep a clear mind, to a normal life.    

For the development of the secret cult members, will camouflage into various identity to trick people to join, or listen to their command, do some the human, the government, the society.  

In view of the cult organizations have been banned, and was revealed, the common people if know in advance their identity, will not be cheated, so they have more secretive, refused to expose the identity, because their identity is illegal     

Plant zf outlets and is the law Aaron work practice, they are now or taking this approach.    

Those in the organization of internal gong, positive person if died, the matter will plant zf, but if they open again after a sanctimonious mythology around what killed, anyone would think is the work of the law Aaron retaliation, public opinion to work on Aaron adverse, so the man is sanctimonious mythology around what the public will not become law Aaron work to attack the target and selected plant zf.  

In order to achieve the objective of means, method will not miss any work Aaron mischievous opportunities, especially in their plot was foiled one by one, they have even a worm will turn to the gas is very period. 

So, those in the organization of the internal positive gong, and gave a name, the situation is very dangerous, and publicly revealed only public sanctimonious mythology around what method can work Aaron preserving life.   

