

Against the satellite methods:      

1.    直接摧毁地面作站:     
1. Directly destroy the ground for station:  

Using missile, explosive devices to a station directly for permanent damage attack.      

Receiving, processing, and archive, distribution of all kinds of earth observation satellite data, for national service, at the same time develop satellite remote sensing image data receiving and processing and related technology research.     

After years of development, a station has formed to the Beijing data processing and operation management as the core, Beijing station (located at the miyun) for the data of operation method-the peak-trough pattern.      

In the terminal with large receiving antenna 2 department, small and medium-sized receiving antenna 2 department and all kinds of relevant satellite data receiving, records sets of facilities, have receive 15 of the ability of satellite remote sensing data, currently running sex receive 9 all-weather satellite data, primarily achieved more than a station star, a variety of resolution and 24-hour, when all day, quasi real time.      

At the same time, Beijing headquarters in different satellite form the relatively perfect operation management system, data processing system, data management system, data retrieval and technical service system, etc.   

Have th handling all types of satellite image data more than 100 the landscape of the ability.


Laser weapon attack:   

The anti-satellite weapons also emerge in endlessly. 

At present, in addition to anti-satellite missile besides, laser weapon is destroying satellites one of the main means.  

Laser weapon "shiny" on the light as a weapon of people idea, can be traced back to ancient times.   

西方在中世纪就有古希腊 <http://www.chinaiiss.com/military/view/168>科学家阿基米德用聚焦的日光点燃敌人战船的传说。 
Western in the middle ages is the ancient Greek < http://www.chinaiiss.com/military/view/168 > scientists Archimedes used a focused sun lit up the enemy warships legend.   

1960年首台激光器在美国 <http://www.chinaiiss.com/military/view/126>问世,为人们点燃了希望之光,自此人们开始了把激光器放在军事上应用这一锲而不舍的追求。
1960 first laser in the United States "http://www.chinaiiss.com/military/view/126 > come out, for the people have kindled the light of hope, since then people started to the laser on military application of this pursuit of perseverance.  

And all kinds of science fiction out of one middle laser weapon has made it has become a future weapons of choice. 

19751018日,美国在印度 <http://www.chinaiiss.com/military/view/144>洋上空的647预警卫星的红外探测器受到来自苏联西部的强红外闪光的干扰,不能正常工作。    
October 18, 1975, the United States in India "http://www.chinaiiss.com/military/view/144 > over the 647 early warning satellite infrared detector from the Soviet union by western strong infrared flash interference, can't work normally. 

October 18, 1975, 50 kilometers south of in Moscow, the Soviet union 5 times in a row with the laser irradiation currently two stars in the fly over Siberia to monitor intercontinental ballistic missile silos of American early warning satellite, make its infrared sensor failure to 4 hours.  

In 1981, the Soviet union in the "universe" series of satellite, shuttle and space station, "salute" eight times laser weapon test have been successful.    

In March 1981, the Soviet union using a satellite on the small high power laser irradiation a U.S. satellite, make its optical, infrared electronic equipment failure completely.     

Since then, a laser space satellites started, and increasingly fierce, the "mysterious flash" has become the space satellite lethal weapon! 

3. Electronic jamming:  

Because at this stage we use satellites use transparent the repeater, ground of variable frequency signals coming forward is not to any processing, is one of the main components of high power amplifier device, generally for traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTA) or solid power amplifier (SSPA), the two devices most main characteristic is when the input power less than its saturation point, is able to think of the job in the linear area, and when the input power over the increasing electricity at ordinary times, power amplifier into the saturated zone or supersaturated area. 

In the supersaturated area, not only output power greatly reduced, and the occurrence of major signal compression small signal, the so-called "power pillage" phenomenon or "power occupied", at the same time, because of the nonlinear factors, but also can appear a large parasitic intermodulation component.     

To avoid the satellite will push the power amplifier saturated zone or supersaturated area, in use in general to strict uplink power control, or in high power amplifier and before limiter, as far as possible, make transparent forwarder avoid power amplifier work in the supersaturated area.      

But if there are malicious high-power uplink interference, the repeater is still possible in nonlinear work area, there is still "power pillage" phenomenon, the normal communication business signal or radio and television signal is compressed.   

The implementation of the repeater interference had blocked the main type of interference and spots interference of two forms.      

Jam type interference refers to seizing transponders power, will the repeater all jam, make through the transponders radio or TV communications services to all paralyzed.  

The disturbance and normal signal spectrum can overlap, also can not overlap.     

Spots interference, namely using of the above mentioned the "power pillage" spot illegal signal, make the normal work of the party receiving stations received interference illegal signals.      

Falun gong is using satellite transparent transponders weakness interfere with our normal satellite TV broadcasting, and by using the "power pillage" in the form of illegal propaganda, to this, we strongly condemned besides, more to take active measures and the corresponding technical means the interference.

