
Infrasound weapons

Infrasound weapons
Time is less than 20 hz sound frequency of sound waves, the human ear hear.     

Scientists think, nature infrasound can stimulate aggression, manufacturing chaotic state.     

The tiger in the feed on delivering before can produce 18 Hertz device, make its prey panic and even coma.     

Some areas of mental illness and crazy number more natural time with abnormal sound relevant.      

The mystery of the Bermuda triangle accidents have is probably the wave oscillation due to the device to the crew role, make them insanity, and even death, and lose control of aircraft or ships, accident.  

Device can and organs resonance occur, cause people to terror, create chaos, and even cause cardiac arrest.   

7-8 frequency in between the Hertz device is very dangerous, because seven Hertz is just the frequency of the brain alpha rhythm.      

If the device will launch the intensity and frequency control in a certain range of, can become a non-lethal weapon effect to human body, not only can make a person distracted, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, still can make the mind is not clear, madness, thus losing battle effectiveness.   

The low frequency sound waves and strong penetration ability, in the atmosphere attenuation rarely, and can penetrate into fortification, tanks, naval internal, effect on to personnel.  
Infrasound weapon is a kind of can launch less often than 20 hz device of the human body in resonance, cause resonance organs or parts of displacement and deformation, even happen ruptured, and the damage to the death of high-tech weapons.  

Infrasound weapons latent strong, speed, dissemination of distance, strong penetration, no pollution, not destroy the facilities, and other features, is the countries all over the world to military developed non-lethal weapons, and will become the future war very important new concept weapon.  

Period of world war ii, Germany began to secret weapons developed infrasound, trying to use its produce "loudly effect" destroy the whole city, the destruction of the enemy soldiers or make its loss of fighting capacity.   

In 1940, the German plans to British people throwing a famous musician signed the phonograph record, these records will receive special recording, include time voice, with cause the listener appear panic, terror and other mental disorders phenomenon, causing the riots.

Of course, the plan has not fulfilled.    

But, the Nazi scientists succeeded in the role of the object can be infrasound weapons test.  

The Austrian scientist JiPo mayer created a can make a whirlwind "whirlwind cannon", it is the use of special nozzle, through the shell blasting, create a whirlwind, launch attack wave, can be shot down the plane.      

The French were in infrasound weapons developed in the forefront go.   

France engineer, was the first to use 18.9 Hertz infrasound, make in their own home colleagues produced the body in the illusion of the laboratory.      

Jotham the first think, time will not only make people sound hallucination, still can make skin pores trembling, thus in the role of psychological, manufacturing the cold feeling.    

According to the report, in April, 1968, the French marseille farm in more than 20 people near dozens of seconds suddenly all the mysterious deaths, the culprit is from a nearby infrasound weapons research institute of the powerful device spread out. 

In 1972, the French national experimental center, professor: Gary developed a strong device generator, action distance can achieve 5 km      

