

Communist party entirely through the bandits of the rogue to PiHuo started, many things are its skill fabricated, such as brain control events, understand the above Leo satellite or uavs is their own, they are harder to say is the internal into foreign satellite to make to break them in, sheet is foreign satellite for them is how to get the Internet information?   

Many satellite laser pulse is they won the victims in information, just send out the attack, the only domestic to master it.  

People know, so-called land rogue dictatorship, which is on the weapons to rob to wealth, by propaganda to cover.  

This dictatorship, itself is robbing, the nature of wealth, they are looking for any excuse to fight, or you won't have wealth.     

Looking for an excuse, will first have to in the propaganda on impulse, rely on to promote organization fight, if these legal armed groups a but didn't struggle goal, no revenue.    

Therefore, to the creation of human struggle target this activity, the past falun gong is such, 64 also is such, now make a brain control also is such.   

No internal struggle of the so-called clear and the regime can't survive.  

Is completely group of exploitation junk.    

For production, the technology, the nature of these people are not personally participate in, so they use products, most of them are introduced from abroad or generic, theft and to try to transform.     

The technique is also mean shameless.      

This land rogue dictatorship by control public opinion to create buzz, and create favorable conditions for them, internal or external planning struggle, to share, accumulate a large amount of wealth.   

Internal nature is very hate, because they do evil frequently, and internal contradictions can't control, bitterness especially deep, so very worried that people resist, and make them with excuses so-called stable engineering, is in fact the maintenance of a capital they autocratic disguised form, the purpose is to better internal control, enhancing people's wealth of the plunder, it is shameless pole.      

For these, they are not the foreign war, internally worry far outweigh the foreign, no one will buy for this beast regime life, even their internal know this point. They internal large amounts of capital outflow, the children go out from the study escape risk etc, it shows that they even oneself also wrong myself to faith.     

Such land rogue regimes, not what the creation, also won't make what invention, is hostile to labor to human beings, and domestic and international is a burden and threats.   

When they existence threatened, they make what d firm, is actually to the limits of evil, fear of reprisals fighting back a performance.      

The communist party of China's dogs, are under the evil rich civilization signs, no black, on the one hand, dozen d stability, on the one hand, the back made mess, this dog spy and national security council were to have more food to eat, which is internally make mockery, pure land rogue gimmick.    

Domestic events, lie between a have a shock to the world the great things or scandal, enough to address this, only less evil, is to reduce the root of the event.

But the hand of the communist party of China, is used to reach, it was the political organization is this.

The extreme fascist organization, and how much the killing of things up, or bright or dark, can not calculate, heaven only knows.      

它们一方面叫嚷着谈人权,一方面大作反人类的事情 ,搞高科技暗杀,监控,强拆,强奸幼女,贫富分化等等都是在世界上独一无二的。   
They shouted on the talk about human rights, on the one hand, was blowing the human things, make high-tech assassination, monitoring, JiangCa, rape removal, the polarization between the rich and the and so on all is unique in the world.     

They worship of the heart is force exploitation, namely the violence exploitation, including through the struggle for all kinds of income, such as carries a fine, confiscate, property confiscated, rob, and is using the high-tech weapons harm is the way the exploitation of special ways. 

The goal than capital exploitation more severe and wealth is to squeeze.

The squeeze is on domestic people's vicious vicious, if the domestic people's no labor, will not have the exploitation value, for them to enjoy and use didn't use, exploitation didn't object, simply these high-tech things to the death, heart diabolical as slave society owners.  

People lead a dog's life, suicide explosion, all kinds of the violence continues, disgruntled sound is everywhere. 

In China, most people's bottom itself to social discontent, and suffering from these harm the unprovoked attack with all tools persecution, whether the rural or the city, all of the fascist high-tech violence slavery type rule extreme hate.   

They put these people to the whole of the destroyed her family, all want to rebel, everyone is not afraid of death, all want to kill them and then quickly, anyway and high-tech tools by the secret to the death, morning and evening is also a dead, as a spell on glue and, kill them for many good, so that it was a worthy life enough.   

Might also be able to spell out a path. 

Social evolution of the communist party of China has to labor and so-called by legal cannot live, only by relations and to have the opportunity to the point of speculation, there is like satellite as research group known how to kill people, to kill for inheritance trade, so they can get rich.     

简单地说就是剥削无数的人 ,合法的杀无数的人,这是它们发财的最好途径,也是改革开放最终成果,这简真就是不明而喻,背里面谁都明白的潜在道理。     
Say simply is exploitation countless people, legal killed thousands of people, this is the best way they get rich, is also reform and opening up to the final results, this really is unknown and Jane metaphor, who knew all back inside potential reason.

Chinese people that have what any human rights, those who sing of is all they stand-up.     

No one believes.   

In the back of the communist party of China is pushing enslaving system, carrying out personal persecution.     

Because of the slaves, will be able to use them to build luxurious palace, the grave garden, a slave, can make the jump to sing for their music to her affairs, a slave can let the plow fields casting weapons and so on.     

And make a lot of slaves the key is make enslaving ideology system.     

The use of economic, culture and education, propaganda machine to implement this system, the security of the thought system of enslaving the promotion and implementation to make its central to social everyone, realize the enslaving, will be on one of them to oppose the idea of slavery and the slave to persecution, in order to achieve the purpose of slavery.   

Maintain they decayed class's fundamental interests. 

Make this is also one of brain control performance, the human made mental illness, the attack, big make brain rot project, so you can make sure of the so-called inferior personnel appear, realize the control of China's communist regime in royalty hand democracy, in order to realize the fool the people, using the purpose of the play, the purpose of the evil extremely.  

China's social development to now, became more terrible than capitalism the abnormal condition of socialist, rogue regimes of people to the pursuit of good things, became so as to fair in the means of amassing a fortune, and people to the opposite and not easy to beware of, the result is better than capitalism more corrupt the more loss, who were rich under the slogan will survive the poor things do, in fact, it formed a fool man's black system, who all understand they are human rights propaganda fart, in order to safeguard the interests of their cover just.  

