
chinese reconnaissance satellites

So far, China has successfully developed three types of reconnaissance satellites, such as the United States military intervention to Chinese Taiwan problem and so on internal affairs, it will be seen that in the world of the military to mobilize all reconnaissance satellites in China in the master.  
China since April 24, the successful launch the first man-made satellite "dongfanghong number one", get the application development as a space technology development of satellite main policy.     

To the end of 1997, China has launched a developed by forty satellite, which recoverable satellite reconnaissance of 17, meteorological satellite communications satellite broadcasting eight star, three star, science and technology experimental satellite twelve.   

Space technology in the national defense, economy gradually expand the application, and made great benefits, in strengthen the national defense capabilities and enhance China's international position, are playing more and more important role.  
China had known to recoverable satellite reconnaissance importance.     

As early as in the 1965 series set in Chinese satellite program, took recoverable satellite reconnaissance satellite development planning for China to determine a key, and in 1975 made its first flight test and return to success, become the Soviet union and the USA, the third successful launch recoverable satellites country.

This achievement is important: and China have their own strategic reconnaissance, for China's strategic missiles can determine the goal,      

And can monitor foreign military deployment and mobilize situation, can also check the disguise of China military goals, the value of the military can replace

At present, China's star camera taken star ability, from the first four star can be measured up to seven stars such as measurable, can be measured the star of the Numbers from ten of increased to nearly two hundred star around, this is great progress, it from a side that Chinese aerospace camera technology to achieve a high level, show that China has been able to very accurately determine the position of any point on the earth, can for strategic weapons instructions goal.      

In Taiwan in the crisis, the U.S. aircraft carrier position in China will grasp of the satellite reconnaissance.  

China has a large number of remote anti-ship missile and submarines.   

If use satellite reconnaissance command they coordinate in offshore consistent saturated attack, so whether the United States navy or Taiwan navy are difficult to resist.  

China is currently in the consolidated and improve optical reconnaissance technology at the same time, it has carried out the radar for (sea) reconnaissance technology research, in order to realize China when all day and round-the-clock space of reconnaissance, China radar reconnaissance satellites put into use, China's satellite reconnaissance will no longer be the weather limit, familiar with military people would know, 

10 years ago to put into use of American "long hockey" radar reconnaissance satellites have certain ability to agent. 

It is said that it can find five meters deep underground target. 

China has started to the ground penetrating radar development, China has the ability to ground radar reconnaissance satellites will be put into use than the United States 10 years later, but its agents may be higher than its predecessors, the ability to one American "long hockey" satellite is strong.  

Taiwan military thought mysterious better under the mountain fortress and other underground works, like the glass will goldfish.      

Because of reconnaissance satellites in the military field performance important, a recent American appeared monopoly space reconnaissance attempt.      

October 17, 1997, the United States conducted a a laser satellite experiment. 

The United States now is limited because of the technology, there is no shot down a satellite in other countries the ability, but it can be for the launch of the laser beam optical satellite reconnaissance optical components of the damage.      

China will not participate in space arms race, but China in high energy laser has a level, although do not have destroyed satellite ability, but the damage the ability of optical satellite reconnaissance or some, this will be enough to deter other countries reconnaissance satellites to China of interference and illegal laser attacks.     

