
Infrasound weapons


Infrasound weapons


Infrasound weapon is a kind of can launch less often than 20 hz device of the human body in resonance, cause resonance organs or parts of displacement and deformation, even happen ruptured, and the damage to the death of high-tech weapons.  


Infrasound weapons latent strong, speed, dissemination of distance, strong penetration, no pollution, not destroy the facilities, and other features, is the countries all over the world to military developed non-lethal weapons, and will become the future war very important new concept weapon.  


Device is 0.0001 ~ 20 Hz frequency of sound waves, the band is usually ear to hear.   


Due to the human body each place there are subtle and rhythmic pulse, the pulse frequency for 2 ~ 16 Hz, such as the gut is 4 ~ 6 Hz, head for 8 to 12 Hz, etc.


The natural frequency of the human body just in the frequency of the device, within the scope of the high power once in the human body function device, can cause human body strong resonance, so as to cause great harm. 


Talking about the destructive force of the resonance, many readers may know that in Europe in the 19 th century, has repeatedly had soldiers happy by crossing the bridge resonance of bridge, the tragedy of the bridge collapsed.   


Solid bridge can be destroyed by resonance, how much more will flesh!  


Time is the use frequency sound weapon lower than 20 Hz device and the human body in resonance, make the resonance organ or parts displacement and deformation happened caused damage to human body death of a weapon      

Device with human body resonance occur the intensity and frequency of different, to the human body organs and areas of the damage degree are different.      


The same intensity and frequency of different device of different organs and parts can cause damage;      


The same frequency device depending on the degree of the killer wave intensity and calm.  


People can produce device to the spirit and mechanical damage.     


The main symptoms have: the whole body unwell, weakness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, nystagmus, serious can happen was wrong, madness, abdominal pain, more than internal organs burst, etc.  


Overseas experiment prove, 10 Hector 135 db device, can make the mice on the internal organs of necrosis state;   


0.5 hz 170 decibels or so device, can make the dog's breath is difficult, even stop.


Time is not easy to sound be perceived and hear the voice of the atmospheric attenuation spread very few, and the atmosphere of the bunkers and works hard to communicate to the defense.   


Infrasound weapons general by infrasound generator, power plant and control system composition, including infrasound generator is the key.     


The role of infrasound weapons distance, decided in times of sound generator radiated acoustic power, directionality design and sound waves conditions.      


Not the bundle concentration device, in the open environment it is difficult to have a high strength infrasound.   


Once the wavelength of the sound is very long, will make it directional spread, the gathered the size of the system will be large (diameter of dozens of meters or hundreds of meters), in fact it is difficult to achieve.   


Therefore, some countries consider to use two frequencies similar to listen to sound waves, make its frequency difference in infrasound frequency range, so can more easily to realize the time of the directional sound radiation.  


Another use high strength time from an explosion of infrasound play the sound of ideas.      


Types and application   


From the current situation of development view, infrasound weapons are two of the main key technology, one is high power infrasound generator, another device is the focus on launch.    


Focus on technology foreign coverage rarely, high power generator is reported to have more.    


Follow the sensory stimulation classification, infrasound weapons can be divided into two kinds, namely nerves and organs type.      


Nerves infrasound weapons and frequency of the human brain launch alpha rhythm close (about 5 Hz), can stimulate the human strong nerve, make person dizzy headaches, mental depression or a neurological disorder.  


Type of weapons organs infrasound launch frequency and human gut inherent frequency quite (4 to 8 Hz), can make the person nausea vomiting, stomach, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.


The way to produce device classification, infrasound weapons can be roughly divided into the following kinds:   


Gas explosion type infrasound weapons     


Gas explosion type infrasound weapons work principle     


Is compressed air, high pressure steam or high pressure gas with control to pulsed suddenly released, using high-speed the expulsion of gas stimulate the medium low frequency vibration around, needed for the formation of device.


This time for small volume, acoustic device low frequency and easy control, the fast development in recent years.   


But the second sound waves strength is low, close use was effective.     


The explosion of infrasound weapons  


Using explosions produce device is strong, can also be called infrasound play.


Bang the energy released about 50% form shock, shock wave attenuation and produce device.  


The new times is the sound of the existing fuel air play will be improved, and the original can only form a cloud group into form a number cloud group, and has repeatedly and exploded.    


As long as the control group and the bursting of the cloud and mist the number of time intervals, can obtain frequency of the device.      


Tubular infrasound weapons


The structure and working principle of the Musical Instruments like flute, when the pipe of vibration and tube column hollow itself inherent frequency phase and at the same time, it can produce strong device.


In the pipe end loaded on a piston, power motive drive or with air incentives, as the vibration frequency and the pipe length is equal to a quarter wavelength can be obtained when the strongest device.      


But to produce the device, the pipe must be long enough. 


The speaker type infrasound weapons


The working principle and the speaker similar.  


The use of special vibration diaphragm, diaphragm vibration can produce certain device of frequency.


But to produce a certain intensity of device, in addition to demand higher amplitude outside, still must make vibration membrane area is enough big, its circumference is generally a device with wavelength.   


Frequency difference of infrasound take weapons     


Is to use two different frequency sound wave generator working at the same time, use them to obtain the frequency is the device to low frequency.      


One method is to use a piezoelectric crystal produce two beams of slightly different frequency of ultrasonic, both effects from high frequency and low frequency sound waves, high-frequency sound waves is both the sum frequency, the low frequency sound waves are both frequency difference, high-frequency sound waves in the air in the decay quickly, the low frequency sound waves (device) is direct target.     


This way the energy conversion rate is high, and can be made of small arms.




Infrasound weapons latent strong, speed, dissemination of distance, strong penetration, no pollution and destruction facilities and other characteristics, military scientists have to declare it in the future war, new concepts important members of weapons.     


It will become the new century battlefield is new bestow favor on tool.   




Though device is strong, severe weapons of weapons, but has the inherent defect.      


First of all, is not easy to focus on the bundle device, and realize the directional focus on launch is hard, cause the direct result of all is against, easy to fire, and in the open environment difficult to produce the high strength device;


Second, the device is very long, thus directional difficulties;     


Again, it's focusing size is too big, generally difficult to realize. 


Anyway, infrasound weapons coming out, and a new world killing way.  

Due to the environment, infrasound weapons natural biological and non-combatants generated huge damage, the weapon whether we should be put into actual combat is debatable.     

